Pearl Counseling Services
Counseling is one of the best ways to break away from anything that may be holding you back. It is a challenging therapeutic relationship with abundant support and rewarding results where you can share feelings and discomfort out loud in a safe and unbiased ambiance.
It is a relatively short-term, interpersonal, theory-based process of helping persons who are basically psychologically healthy resolve developmental and situational problems. Counseling activities are guided by ethical and legal standards and go through distinct stages from initiation to termination. Personal, social, vocational, and educational matters are all areas of concern; and the profession encompasses a number of subspecialties.
A practitioner must complete a required course of study on either the master’s or doctoral level to be licensed or certified as a professional. Our counselors at Pearl Health Clinic count on well-developed backgrounds and provide support and encouragement so you can become the optimal version of yourself.
Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
Pearl Health Clinic offers Mental Health Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) for Adolescents (ages 13-17).
- IOP allows individuals to receive intensive treatment without hospitalization.
- Group therapy is the main IOP intervention. Weekly individual and/or family therapy, regular medication review, and case management are also included.
- 6-9 total hours of services per week for Adolescents(hours are based upon insurance requirements/patient needs). Groups meet 4pm-7pm every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
- The typical IOP admission lasts 10 to 12 weeks
- IOP space is limited to 10 Adolescents at a time
- Intensive group therapy is necessary to learn healthy coping skills and confront core issues with support from licensed professionals and a positive peer group
- Multiple mental health services per week are necessary to prevent deterioration
- Symptoms or functioning have worsened or haven’t improved despite traditional intensity outpatient treatment
- Feeling overwhelmed and/or hopeless
- Frequent thoughts of death or suicide without intent to act on the thoughts
- Recently received crisis services or visited ER for mental health crisis
- Discharged from a psychiatric hospital
Pearl Health’s IOP is not appropriate for individuals with significant substance use problems, acute risk of serious harm to self/harm to others, history of victimizing others, and/or behaviors or conditions which prevent active participation in group therapy or other IOP services.
New Patients: Visit WWW.PEARLHEALTH.ORG/NEW-CLIENTS or call our Client Care department at (208) 346-7500 for assistance.
Providers: Fax referral information to (208) 346-7501
IOP Questions? Call or email Tiffini Aicher – (208) 346-7500 ext. 402
Neurofeedback sessions are a non-invasive alternative way of improving your quality of life. This is training for the brain to increase stability of neural activity that is necessary for the brain to function either in low or high arousal states. Stabilizing the brain increases one’s ability to relax which allows for reduced anxiety, increased focus, regulation of sleep cycles, as well as improving many other mood disorders and physical health needs.

How It Works:
Three electrodes are applied to the scalp in locations that are determined by a trained therapist for your individual needs. The electrical activity of your brain is monitored through a software program that lets you, as a client see the activity in your brain on a monitor.
This monitor displays either a game, relaxing video or movie. Neural activity controls the clarity and size of the images. Your brain naturally wants the screen to be clear and large. Therefore your neural activity will work to keep it this way.
It is through this regulation of brain activity that your brain learns how to work at its optimal capacity. The stability your brain is learning is helpful for stabilizing everything your brain controls from moods, sleep, focus, pain, and other mental and physical elements.
What is EMDR therapy?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR Therapy) is an empirically proven psychotherapy that enables healing from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences.
EMDR therapy demonstrates that the mind can actively heal from psychological trauma much as the body recovers from physical trauma.
How does EMDR therapy work?
EMDR is a therapy used to bridge the gap between what the brain logically knows, but what the body emotionally feels. EMDR aims to change maladaptive, or unhelpful thoughts we have about ourselves by connecting the traumatic memory with adaptive, or helpful, information we know about ourselves. Unpleasant thoughts and emotions are connected to pleasant thoughts and emotions to decrease our level of disturbance of a chosen event.
The brain has a natural ability to heal, but when traumatic events occur, the brain can get stuck in the healing process. Distressing memories, thoughts, nightmares, feelings, and emotions are indications we might be struggling with the healing of an event.
EMDR utilizes bilateral stimulation that replaces REM sleep, which is the brain’s natural form of healing.
There are several factors that can interrupt the individual’s ability to enter REM, such as anxiety, lack of sleep, sleep disturbance, fear, etc. EMDR is performed by a therapist utilizing bilateral stimulation through eye movement, light bars, or tapping. An EMDR therapist utilizes these movements to assist the brain in its healing abilities.
What conditions can it help?
- Trauma and PTSD
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Panic disorders
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