Welcome New Clients
We are grateful you’ve chosen us for your mental health service needs. To ensure that you receive the correct services from an in-network provider, please complete the Intake Packet. If you don’t have insurance and would like information about using our sliding scale to see if you qualify for treatment at a reduced rate, inquire by calling or coming into our office.
Fill Out Our Convenient Intake Form To Start Your Processing!
If you wish to download the Intake Packet or the Financial Assistance Application, make sure you have the most recent Adobe Acrobat Reader version installed.
If you experience any difficulty completing the packet, please call and ask for an Intake Specialist to assist you.
Please email completed packets to info@www.pearlhealth.org.
Ready to Get Started?
If you prefer, you may also pick up a paper copy from a receptionist at Pearl Health Clinic or call (208) 346-7500 and ask for an Intake Packet to be mailed to you.
This practice serves all patients regardless of ability to pay.
Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.
For more information, ask the front desk or visit our website.
Thank you.
Esta práctica sirve a todos los pacientes, independientemente de la capacidad de pago.
Descuentos para los servicios esenciales son ofrecidos dependiendo de tamaño de la familia y de los ingresos.
Usted puede solicaitar un descuento en la recepción o visita nuestro sitio web.